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Dear Friends and Partners,

Adonica and I were in Guatemala City sowing into one of the leading churches of the nation. The pastor attended our recent Washington, DC event — Celebrate America and I felt in my heart to come to his church to help him see his nation shaken with the Gospel of Christ. On Sunday morning, around 1500 people came forward when I gave the altar call. The LORD did great and mighty things! In the day, teams were going on the streets preaching the Gospel and, in the evenings, Holy Ghost meetings were conducted. Guatemala City will never be the same again! Over 6,000 men, women, and children called upon the name of the LORD and hundreds were trained to take their nation for JESUS!

The ministry that the LORD has given us is all about reviving and mobilizing the Church and winning the lost at any cost. Pray and ask the LORD what He would have you to do financially to help bring in the harvest of souls. Please, give your best gift. Thank you for investing in the Gospel today.

Adonica and I love you and thank you for partnering with us to reach this world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We hope to see you at the Ministers' & Leaders' Conference in October; the theme is FOCUS ON ETERNITY.

Yours for the untold masses,
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne

P.S. Please, click here to check out the Guatemala City pictures.