Since January 2nd, we have received more than 239,075 phone calls from people who are watching at home. Through phone calls, we have had over 44,225 salvations, 11,510 Holy Spirit baptisms, and 10,515 healings. Through social media such as Twitter, E-mail, SMS, and testimonies and prayer requests through revival.com, we have had over 57,625 responses. With phone calls and social media, we have had over 296,700 DIRECT CONTACTS. Invest in the Gospel today.
When traveling through western Zambia, we led 25 people to the Lord on the side of the road. They had broken down and needed fresh water. We gave them that and, then, we gave them the Living Water and Bibles. We love you and thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Every night live, Sunday through Friday at 7:30 PM (Service starts at 7 PM)
Saturday – rerun of the best night of the week
The broadcast is going across North, South and Central America on CTN and across Africa on the CTV platform. Of course, it is available on www.revival.com anywhere people have access to the Internet. You can now watch the webcast on your iPhone or iPad without Flash! Check it out today.
On weekdays at 1 PM and on Saturdays at 9:30 AM, Power Evangelism classes are offered and teams go out to fulfill the Great Commission. Join us! The classes are FREE and anyone can be a part!
Many people are taking the Gospel Soul Winning Script and are leading others to Christ. Believers from 62 countries and 2,016 cities are actively participating with the Great Awakening and have posted over 586,075 DECISIONS FOR JESUS CHRIST! Invest in the Gospel today.
Are you leading others to Christ? Please, report your Soul Winning Stats. Post your stats by going to revival.com. Create a log in and click Post Stats.
Healing School classes are going on every Monday – Friday, from 2:30 - 4 PM in the RBI auditorium, which is free to all. It is open to anyone and everyone who desires to learn what the Word of God teaches about healing, to grow in faith regarding healing, and to walk in the authority that Christ gave every believer over sickness and disease. For more information, please click here or call us at (813) 971-9999.
We have not received any offerings on the Live TV broadcast so that we can use all three hours nightly to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and motivate people to win souls. Please, prayerfully consider sowing a generous seed into this global harvest today. If one person would give something substantial each week, it would really help make a big difference. Please, ask the Lord what He would have you to do and do exactly what He directs you to do. Invest in the Gospel
God is MOVING IN A MIGHTY WAY. Please, consider becoming a MONTHLY PARTNER with us today.
We have people coming from other states and countries to be trained in soul-winning and to receive the fire of God!. They are receiving the fire of God, a HOLY BOLDNESS, and are taking it back home. As a result, many are seeing their areas SHAKEN WITH THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!
Make plans NOW to join us in Tampa! Registration is FREE.
We love you and know that God has GREAT things in store for you!
Great Awakening Testimonies
Deborah L. from FL: I ran into a couple the other day and shared the Gospel with them. They both rejected. Soon after, while taking out the trash, I saw the same young lady and felt to witness to her again. This time, she prayed the prayer of salvation inviting Christ into her heart. I asked her where was the young man that was with her the other day. She stated that he was on the verge of committing suicide. Next thing, her phone rang and it was the young man. I asked to speak with him. Using the Gospel Soul Winning Script, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Thank God for sparing his life.
Lucy C. from FL: While watching the Great Awakening, there was a prayer for healing. I was believing God to set me free from chronic pain. To my surprise, the next day when I got out of bed, I was totally healed. Thank God that I'm feeling great and I don't have to sit up to sleep anymore. It's amazing.
Jo R. from Cypress, TX: I have been watching the Great Awakening Broadcast since mid-January. At first, I was very skeptical. I have learned so much from the broadcast. It is impacting my church, my friends, and my family. I knew that I was saved by the blood of Jesus, but now I KNOW that the Holy Spirit is ALIVE and MOVING IN THE WORLD. I am finding God's call on my life. I am finding my way to share everything God has done for me and my family.....Thank you Pastor Rodney; thank you everyone at the GA! My 5 year old sings "Oh Happy Day" everywhere he goes!
Sandra M. from Ontario, CA: To the Great Awakening Broadcast Team: You guys are such a massive blessing to so many of us who tune in to the nightly meetings! I can assure you that there are a lot of hungry hearts who are receiving what God is serving through you folks. Keep up the fantastic work! Remember that Jesus is pleased and He is the One who really matters. Lives are being transformed (from the inside out) and destinies are being resurrected. Only eternity will tell of all the lives saved through your meetings. You are a lifeline to many! Thanks Rodney, Adonica, Bob and your teams for taking a huge leap of faith and for pressing through the tough stuff so that the Gospel can be proclaimed over the airwaves all over the world...bringing life, freedom and victory for the purposes of gathering this end-time harvest. There are many of us who really appreciate it!!! A huge thanks to you all!
Help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by investing in the Gospel today. |
Phang K. (from the Asia Ablaze Conference): I was there in those 3 nights after an invitation from a friend. The whole place was electrified and the presence of God was so strong that not one was left out in the building. Many hearts turned back to God and seeing the younger generation (me included) worshiping God in one accord just brings tears to eyes of many. Instantly, we knew that there's still hope for the land of Malaysia despite what we see happening to the society. Thank you for coming over. We were definitely ignited by the power of the Holy Spirit and will STAY ignited! Amen!
(NEW) View a mini clip of the praise and worship and of the altar call from Asia Ablaze. |