Since January 2nd, we have received more than 250,155 phone calls from people who are watching at home. Through phone calls, we have had over 47,530 salvations, 11,950 Holy Spirit baptisms, and 10,880 healings. Through social media such as Twitter, E-mail, SMS, and testimonies and prayer requests through revival.com, we have had over 58,770 responses. With phone calls and social media, we have had over 308,925 DIRECT CONTACTS. Help make a difference by investing in the Gospel today.
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne invites you to the Great Awakening River Bible Institute Revival: Sunday, August 21st at 7 PM and Monday-Friday, August 22nd-26th at 10:30 AM & 7 PM, at RMI World Headquarters in Tampa.
Hungry for more of God? Looking for direction for your life? Come and expect your touch from God. Invite your friends anf family. These meetings are open to everyone.
For more information and to pre-register for FREE, please, click here.
A Brief Update from Pastors Rodney & Adonica
We preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Senanga. Many were saved, healed, and delivered! People came from miles around to hear the Gospel. One of the villages that we preached in was the village of Lymbo on the Barotse Floodplain of western Zambia – not far from the Angolan Border. We love you and thank you for your continued prayers and support!
Every night live, Sunday through Friday at 7:30 PM (Service starts at 7 PM)
Saturday – rerun of the best night of the week
The broadcast is going across North, South and Central America on CTN and across Africa on the CTV platform. Of course, it is available on www.revival.com anywhere people have access to the Internet. You can now watch the webcast on your iPhone or iPad without Flash! Check it out today.
On weekdays at 1 PM and on Saturdays at 9:30 AM, Power Evangelism classes are offered and teams go out to fulfill the Great Commission. Join us! The classes are FREE and anyone can be a part!
Many people are taking the Gospel Soul Winning Script and are leading others to Christ. Believers from 63 countries and 2,049 cities are actively participating with the Great Awakening and have posted over 607,810 DECISIONS FOR JESUS CHRIST! Help us reach more and do more by investing in the Gospel today.
Are you leading others to Christ? Please, report your Soul Winning Stats. Post your stats by going to revival.com. Create a log in and click Post Stats.
Healing School classes are going on every Monday – Friday, from 2:30 - 4 PM in the RBI auditorium, which is free to all. It is open to anyone and everyone who desires to learn what the Word of God teaches about healing, to grow in faith regarding healing, and to walk in the authority that Christ gave every believer over sickness and disease. For more information, please click here or call us at (813) 971-9999.
We have not received any offerings on the Live TV broadcast so that we can use all three hours nightly to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and motivate people to win souls. Please, prayerfully consider sowing a generous seed into this global harvest today. If one person would give something substantial each week, it would really help make a big difference. Please, ask the Lord what He would have you to do and do exactly what He directs you to do. Invest in the Gospel
God is MOVING IN A MIGHTY WAY. Please, consider becoming a MONTHLY PARTNER with us today.
We have people coming from other states and countries to be trained in soul-winning and to receive the fire of God!. They are receiving the fire of God, a HOLY BOLDNESS, and are taking it back home. As a result, many are seeing their areas SHAKEN WITH THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!
Make plans NOW to join us in Tampa! Registration is FREE.
We love you and know that God has GREAT things in store for you!
Great Awakening Testimonies
Josephine, from Port Charlotte, FL, called requesting prayer for her husband who was afraid of dying. He did not believe that there was a God. The prayer operator prayed with Josephine and then shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with her husband. As a result, he received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and said, "I can pray now; I can pray to God now."
Sheryl J., from Naples, FL, called the Great Awakening Broadcast prayer line with a praise report. She had called the prayer line requesting prayer that she would find employment. She then called back to let us know that she just got hired!
Jeanie S., from Clearwater, FL, called the Great Awakening Broadcast prayer line requesting prayer for her hemoglobin blood levels. She called back praising the Lord that the hemoglobin blood levels are now within normal limits for the first time in 8 months!
Tabiatha R., from Cumming, GA: My mother, Mary, was admitted to the hospital on Monday night. On Wednesday morning, her doctor informed me that her kidneys were only functioning at 10% and that he had no choice but to schedule her for dialysis as soon as possible. This would require surgery on Thursday morning to put a stint in her neck so that the dialysis could be performed. She would have to have dialysis three times a week possibly for the rest of her life. Well, I called the prayer line and the prayer was powerful. The next morning, I learned that God had performed a miracle overnight. Test results showed that her kidney functions were now functioning much better and, therefore, the surgery for the stint and the dialysis were cancelled. Praise God! Thank you for praying.
Please, help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by investing in the Gospel today. |
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